customisable deep wall cabinets

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Our range of customisable deep wall cabinets are available in any width that you may choose from 200mm all the way through to 1000mm. So now you can have the exact size you require to maximise the usable space in your kitchen without the need for any fillers.

They come with solid 16mm backs and an adjustable shelf with shelf supports to meet all your storage needs.

These cabinets have been tested and certified to the stringent requirements of the Australasian Furnishings Research and Development Institute (AFRDI).

AFRDI testing applies to specific sizes only, please contact Customer Service for more details.

They also come with the Kaboodle Lifetime Advantage which means we will extend the warranty on the structural integrity of this cabinet for the entire time you live in your home.

Terms conditions apply so please read our full warranty document for more information.

Only available with modern profile doors.

Need help? View our how to video on building cabinets

or our video on installing wall cabinets

(200w to 1000w) x 400d x 720h

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We want to make sure that every Australian and New Zealand household can design and install their own kitchens. So, we set out on a mission to make the whole DIY process as easy as possible.


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DIY Resolutions Pty Ltd ABN 72 103 688 679
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