when you’ll need an electrician and plumber
Here we give you five easy steps to follow when it comes to organising plumbing and electrical for your new kitchen.
Step one
Plan and design your new kitchen layout clearly indicating where you’ll need powerpoints and plumbing for appliances.
Step two
Before you remove your existing kitchen including cabinetry and appliances, call in a qualified plumber and/or electrician to remove or temporarily disconnect any power and water. Once this has been done you can start removing your kitchen.
Step three
An electrician will need to run wiring to your specified hot spots where powerpoints and appliances will be installed. This is also the time for a plumber to come down and move any piping to where your sink and dishwasher will be located.
Step four
So you’ve knocked down your kitchen, well now’s the time to install your brand new kitchen.
Step five
This is the final step – both your electrician and plumber will need to come back one last time to connect and finish off any last touches to your kitchen, i.e. dishwasher, sink, powerpoints, oven, cooktop etc.