my checklist

my project summary

how to remove

Out with the old! By taking the time with demolition you'll keep your work zone safe, minimise damage to your home and save on preparation when it comes to installing your new kaboodle joinery. Click to read our handy blog on how to safely remove your old kitchen.

install tips & tricks

what should you do with your kitchen packaging?
Kaboodle has implemented some changes over the last few years to improve the impact of our packaging on the environment but we need your help too.

need installation instructions?

Our product pages have step-by-step assembly instructions.

my install date

Stay on-track and note down your install date so you're prepared.

estimated installation date

Please note - delivery dates are subject to change. Contact your local Bunnings Warehouse for updates, concerns or changes. 

my tradespeople

Did you know: All kaboodle products are DIY-friendly, but you will need to contract a licenced tradesperson for all electrical and plumbing fit offs. Keep track of your trades here!

no trades have been recorded yet